Knoppix is a Live Linux CD based on Debian GNU/Linux This website is about Knoppix, a Free and Open Source Live Linux CD. Knoppix is a GNU/Linux distribution that boots and runs completely from cd. It includes recent linux software and desktop envir...
PCLinuxOS∞ is an Operating System, just like Windows XP and Mac OS. PCLinuxOS is also a GNU/Linux distribution, in that it based on the Linux kernel using the GNU toolset. PCLinuxOS is one of the world's up and coming providers of a userfrie...
Why SimplyMEPIS 7.0 Linux? SimplyMEPIS just works! It is pre-configured for simplicity and ease of use, and you will be productive in a matter of minutes, even if this is your first try with Linux SimplyMEPIS features unique hardware de...
Mandriva develops a range of integrated products and services for private and public-sector companies. This comprehensive offer is made to help companies moving to Linux and open source software while generating significant savings and improving IT...
Gentoo is a free operating system based on either Linux or FreeBSD that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme configurability, performance and a top-notch user and developer community are all ha...
openSUSE 项目是由 Novell 发起的开源社区计划。 旨在推进 Linux 的广泛使用。 提供了自由简单的方法来获得世界上最好用的 Linux 发行版,SUSE Linux。 openSUSE 项目为 Linux 开发者和爱好者提供了开始使用 Linux 所需要的一切。 ...
Fedora 项目是由 Red Hat 赞助,由开源社区与 Red Hat 工程师合作开发的项目统称。Fedora 的目标,是推动自由和开源软件更快地进步。公开的论坛,开放的过程,快速的创新,精英和透明的管理,所有这些都为实现一个自由软件能提供的最好的操作系统和平台。...
Slackware 由Patrick Volkerding创建于1992年。算起来应当是历史最悠久的Linux发行版。曾经Slackware非常的流行,但是当Linux越来越普及,用户的技术层面越来越广(更多的新手)后,Slackware渐渐的被新来的人们所遗忘。在其他主流发行版强调易用性的时候,Slackware依...
Debian 计划 是一个致力于创建一个自由操作系统的合作组织。我们所创建的这个操作系统名为 Debian GNU/Linux,简称为 Debian。...
Ubuntu 是一个非洲词汇,它的意思是“人性对待他人”或“群在故我在”。Ubuntu 发行版将 Ubuntu 的精神带到软件世界中。...
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