PCLinuxOS∞ is an Operating System, just like Windows XP and Mac OS. PCLinuxOS is also a GNU/Linux distribution, in that it based on the Linux kernel using the GNU toolset. PCLinuxOS is one of the world's up and coming providers of a userfriendly Linux Desktop Solution. With a small but dedicated development team, PClinuxOS delivers Desktop Ready Software that harnesses the power of the Open Source Community.
PCLinuxOS comes to you as an English only self-booting live CD, it runs entirely from a bootable CD without installing anything on your computer. Data on the CD is uncompressed on the fly allowing up to 2 GB of programs on one CD including a complete desktop environment, office suite, web-browsers, email clients, p2p filesharing, multimedia applications and much more, all preconfigured and ready to use!
In addition to the live CD mode, you can also install PCLinuxOS to your hard drive using our easy to use live CD installer, assuming you like PCLinuxOS and it runs well on your computer. You can very easily keep your installed PCLinuxOS safe and up to date with the supplied configuration tools.
You'll find that PCLinuxOS is in fact one of the best (if not the best) integrated and most user friendly operating systems you'll find. In addition to that, it comes with a complete set of software, good defaults and impressive multimedia applications.
PCLinuxOS is radically simple.
PCLinuxOS 是一份纯英文的自启动运行光盘,它最初基于Mandrake Linux。PCLinuxOS完全从一张可启动光盘运行。光盘上的数据实时地解压缩,从而使得这一张光盘上集成的应用程序多达2G,这包括一份完整的X 服务器,KDE桌面,OpenOffice.org以及更多即刻可用的程序。除了作为自启动运行光盘来使用,你也可以通过一套易于使用的光盘安装程序将 PCLinuxOS安装到硬盘。额外的应用程序可以通过一份友好的apt-get前端Synaptic来添加或删除。
PCLinuxOS是一个完全开放的linux版本,经过PClinuxOS开发团队的不懈努力,正越来越受到广大 linux爱好者的关注。秉承“简单易用,安全无忧”的理念,PCLinuxOS逐步成长为一个稳定、成熟的版本。在没有大公司的帮助下,PCLinuxOS 的开发团队奇迹一般把这样一个平民Linux版本推动到Linux世界的巅峰,也让Linux的开源、自由精神绽放出极致的光彩。
软件包管理系统:APT (DEB)

上图为从光盘运行时的桌面。点击其中的Install PClinuxOS可以将系统安装到硬盘。