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  • Windows Vista微软认证分类详解 日期:2008-11-14 22:40:18 点击:52 好评:0

    Windows Vista对应的MCTS认证种类 MCTS:Windows Vista Configuration证书 对应考试科目70-620 TS:Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuring,同时70-620也是MCITP:Enterprise Administrator证书的必要条件之一。 MCTS: Business Desktop Deployment证书 对应考试科目70-6...

  • 华为认证考试指南 日期:2008-11-08 19:49:12 点击:40 好评:0

    关于华为认证考试 华为认证考试项目为考生提供了检测自己对所学知识掌握的程度,并且能够通过参加考试巩固所学知识,并明确自己的知识薄弱点和以后学习的方向。 通过和培训项目对应的考试后可以获得业界认可的国际化的认证证书,并获得更多的就业机会和能力认可。 华...

  • 华为认证概述 日期:2008-11-08 19:44:02 点击:31 好评:0

    【华为认证培训体系】由初、中、高三级组成。分别为: 【华为认证网络工程师】(HCNE:Huawei Certified Network Engineer) 【华为认证高级网络工程师】(HCSE:Huawei Certified Senior Network Engineer) 【华为认证网络互联专家】(HCIE:Huawei Certified Inter...

  • Adobe ACCD认证 日期:2008-11-08 19:40:46 点击:44 好评:0

       通过Adobe认证考试后,Adobe公司将统一颁发"Adobe中国认证产品专家"(Adobe certified Product Expert简称ACPE)单科证书和"Adobe中国认证设计师"(Adobe China Certified Designer简称ACCD)证书。 这两种证书都可以证明拥有者具有优秀的平面设计...

  • Adobe认证项目简介 日期:2008-11-08 19:38:04 点击:42 好评:0


  • 红帽认证架构师RHCA 日期:2008-08-01 17:18:30 点击:82 好评:0

    Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) Overview Red Hat's Enterprise Architect courses provide in-depth, hands-on training for senior Linux system administrators responsible for the deployment and management of many systems in large enterprise env...

  • 红帽认证安全专家RHCSS 日期:2008-08-01 17:09:55 点击:77 好评:0

    Red Hat Certified Security Specialist (RHCSS) Overview Red Hat Certified Security Specialist (RHCSS) is a security certification that proves advanced skills in using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SELinux, and Red Hat Directory Server to meet the se...

  • 红帽认证数据中心专家RHCDS 日期:2008-08-01 16:50:09 点击:116 好评:0

    Red Hat Certified Datacenter Specialist Overview An RHCDS has the skills and knowledge necessary to build reliable, available, scalable, and manageable solutions in mission-critical datacenter environments using fully-supported open source tech...

  • 红帽认证专家Red Hat Certificates of Expertise 日期:2008-08-01 14:27:03 点击:77 好评:0

    Red Hat Certificates of Expertise 红帽认证专家 Overview Certificates of Expertise are upper-level credentials available to RHCEs who pass upper-level performance-based exams. The Certificates are incremental credentials attached to one's RHCE that...

  • 红帽认证RedHat Certification 日期:2008-07-31 17:47:07 点击:82 好评:0

    Performance-based testing of real-world skills Red Hat certifications are among the most respected credentials in IT. Certifications are earned when a user demonstrates, by way of a performance-based exam, the ability to solve and perform real-...
