Red Hat Certified Datacenter Specialist
OverviewAn RHCDS has the skills and knowledge necessary to build reliable, available, scalable, and manageable solutions in mission-critical datacenter environments using fully-supported open source technologies from Red Hat. Current RHCEs will obtain RHCDS certification upon successfully passing all three Expertise Exams:
These courses build on system administration skills covered in the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) program, which is a prerequisite. All upper-level courses are all peer level, meaning each can be taken by someone with RHCE or equivalent skills. Any order is fine. Curriculum and Expertise Exams
Each course in Red Hat's Datacenter curriculum is followed by an Expertise Exam on the fifth day. Expertise Exams may be taken immediately following the corresponding course or at any other time. The exams are performance-based and test skills of the job role competencies covered in the prior four days of hands-on training. Passing an Expertise Exam earns the candidate a Certificate of Expertise to his or her RHCE credential for a specific security skillset. Expertise Exams vary in length from 4 to 8 hours depending on the course. Official notification of PASS or DID NOT PASS is sent via email within 10 US business days of the Expertise Exam. Exam Costs and Bundled DiscountExams cost $749 on their own or $549 when purchased together with the corresponding class scheduled in same week. To purchase the course and corresponding Expertise Exam, select appropriate RH and EX codes when purchasing. Then, use promotional code "45678" to receive the $200 discount. Beyond RHCDS: Security CurriculumBeyond the core RHCDS courses, Red Hat also offers a security curriculum that teaches advanced skills in using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SELinux, and Red Hat Directory Server to meet the security requirements of today's enterprise environment. 红帽认证数据中心专家(RHCDS)要求具备有效的RHCE证书,推荐参加三门课程的培训,但不是必须的,分别是: RH401部署虚拟化和系统管理 RH423目录服务和身份认证 RH436集群和存储管理 通过上述的三门考试,即可以获得RHCDS证书。