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时间:2008-07-31 18:27来源: 作者: 点击:
Overview Red Hat Certified Technician (RHCT) is a performance-based test that measures actual competence on live systems. RHCT is the first step in establishing Linux credentials and is an ideal certification for those transitioning from non-UNI


Red Hat Certified Technician (RHCT) is a performance-based test that measures actual competence on live systems. RHCT is the first step in establishing Linux credentials and is an ideal certification for those transitioning from non-UNIX/Linux environments.

The RHCT Exam

Becoming a Red Hat Certified Technician requires passing a three-hour hands-on exam. There are a couple of different approaches to preparing for the exam depending on your existing level of Linux expertise.

Level of Linux Expertise

To determine your level of experience, take our pre-assessment questionnaires.

Exam Preparation

Courses you should take: Level of Linux Expertise:
None Some
RH033 Red Hat Linux Essentials yes  
RH131 Red Hat System Administration
RH133 Red Hat Linux Administration (and RHCT Exam)
yes yes
track overview

Exam Only

The above courses are not required in order to take the stand-alone RH202 RHCT Exam if the individual already possesses the necessary skills.

Financial Assistance Available

Red Hat and our partner, Unitek Education, are here to help you with your financial investment. If you are interested in financing assistance for your Red Hat training needs please visit Unitek Education.

Success Pack

Increase your chances for certification. The RHCT Success Pack acts as insurance in a way, providing a re-take of the exam for a discounted price, if you fail the first exam. Find out more.

Live Access Labs

Red Hat Live Access Labs provide an environment to conduct self-paced lab learning in the setup identical to RHCE-track classroom courses.
红帽认证技师(RHCT)是业界具有广泛认可和良好声誉的国际认证。 它不仅是Red Hat的入门级认证,也适合从事基于Linux数据库管理、系统管理的技术人员。RHCT认证是合格系统管理员权威证明,并为进一步深造成为红帽认证工程师(RHCE)创造条件。
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