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时间:2008-08-01 14:13来源: 作者: 点击:
Overview Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) is a performance-based test that measures actual competency on live systems. Called the "crown jewel of Linux certifications," RHCE proves an individual's ability to configure networking services


Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) is a performance-based test that measures actual competency on live systems. Called the "crown jewel of Linux certifications," RHCE proves an individual's ability to configure networking services and security on servers running a Red Hat OS. RHCE was recently named the hottest certification in all of IT by CertCities.com.

The RHCE Exam

Becoming a Red Hat Certified Engineer requires passing a five-and-a-half-hour hands-on exam. There are four different approaches to preparing for the exam depending on your existing level of Linux expertise.

Level of Linux Expertise

To determine your level of experience, take our pre-assessment questionnaires or read the descriptions below for the Standard and Rapid Tracks.

Exam Preparation

Courses you should take: Level of Linux Expertise:
None Some Much Expert
Standard Track * Rapid Track **
RH033 Red Hat Linux Essentials yes      
RH131 Red Hat System Administration
RH133 Red Hat Linux Administration (and RHCT Exam)
yes yes    
RH253 Red Hat Linux Networking and Security Administration yes yes    
RH300 Red Hat Rapid Track Course (and RHCE Exam)     yes  
RH302 RHCE Exam yes yes   yes


track overview

* Standard Track

The Standard Track consists of three courses -- RH033, RH133, RH253 -- and is aimed at persons who need more review of key concepts or who are new to both UNIX and Linux.

  • RH033 Red Hat Linux Essentials targets IT professionals with no prior UNIX or Linux experience, and covers skills to prepare for RH133, including shell and command line essentials.
  • RH131 and RH133 Red Hat System Administration are designed for those wanting to prepare for professional responsibilities as a Linux systems administrator at the Technician level. You'll learn all the skills required to manage a Linux workstation and attach it to a corporate network, including configuration of client-side network services. Prerequisites include networking fundamentals and internetworking with TCP/IP, widely available from reputable training vendors or through self-study. RH133 includes the RHCT Exam on the last day.
  • RH253 Red Hat Linux Networking and Security Administration is designed for those who desire to build skills at configuring and administering a Red Hat Linux server running key enterprise network services and security. Prerequisites include RH133 or equivalent skills.

** Rapid Track

The Rapid Track consists of one course -- RH300 Red Hat Rapid Track Course (and RHCE Exam) -- and is aimed at persons who are experienced UNIX and Linux users, networking specialists, and system administrators and need specific Red Hat Enterprise Linux training to pass the RHCE Exam (which is included).

Financial Assistance Available

Red Hat and our partner, Unitek Education, are here to help you with your financial investment. If you are interested in financing assistance for your Red Hat training needs please visit Unitek Education.

Success Pack

Increase your chances for certification. The RHCE Success Pack acts as insurance in a way, providing a re-take of the exam for a discounted price, if you fail the first exam. Find out more.

Live Access Labs

Red Hat Live Access Labs provide an environment to conduct self-paced lab learning in the setup identical to RHCE-track classroom courses.

 红帽培训和考试注重培养和考察学员的实际动手操作能力,正因如此,红帽认证工程师认证被人们美誉为“Linux认证的桂冠”!在最近进行的独立调查中,红帽认证工程师被评为IT领域质量最高的培训和认证项目。 RHCE课程分为Standard Track(标准型)和Rapid Track(快速型)两种。


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