可以参看CDO For Exchange 2000或者CDO For Windows 2000的错误号定义:
DSN(Delivery Status Notifications in Exchange 2000 Server)描述了三种情况: Ø Success (as 2.<X.X> numerical codes) Ø Persistent transient failure (as 4.<X.X> numerical codes) Ø Permanent failures (as 5.<X.X> numerical codes) 详细定义可以参见RFC 1891和RFC1893。 Numerical Code: 5.7.1:
Possible Cause: n General access denied, sender access denied ? the sender of the message does not have the privileges necessary to complete delivery. n You are trying to relay your mail via another SMTP server and it does not permit you to relay. n The recipient might have mailbox delivery restrictions enabled. For example, a recipient’s mailbox delivery restriction was sent to receive from a Distribution List only and non-member’s email will be rejected with this error. Troubleshooting: Check system privileges and attributes for the contact and retry the message. Also make sure you are running Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1 or later for other potential known issues. 附录A:
《XCON: NDRs May Result Based on SMTP Configuration [Q274638]》给出的适合Exchange的解释: 发生5.7.1错误可能是由于Exchange的System Manager中的SMTP虚拟服务器的设置中没有选中“allow computers which successfully authenticate to relay”复选框。如下所示, 先打开SMTP Virtual Server的属性页的Access页: 然后点击“Relay”按钮,察看“Allow all computers which successfully authenticate to relay,regardless of the list above”是否选中: 或者是DNS没有被正确配置。应该确保MX纪录指向正确的SMTP虚拟服务器。如果DNS没有配正确,incoming SMTP connection可能会随机连接到错误的SMTP虚拟服务器。 也可能收件人的邮件地址并不符合现有的收件人策略。 解决办法:正确地配置DNS MX记录; 允许验证通过的机器能够被中继; 让所有的SMTP虚拟服务器允许匿名访问。 然后重启这些虚拟服务、SMTP服务、Routing Engine服务等来使设置起效。 第二种解释:
《OL2000: SMTP Relay Blocking Error Sending E-mail [Q214402]》给出了的解释: ü You are logged in to a Local Area Network (LAN) that has an Internet gateway and attempt to send e-mail through an Internet Service Provider's SMTP gateway. ü You are logged onto an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and attempt to send e-mail through another Internet Service Provider's SMTP gateway. ü You are using a cable modem or ADSL to get to another Internet Service Provider and attempt to send e-mail through that ISP's SMTP gateway. 这种问题的发生是ISP们的设置所造成的,ISP们这样做,是为了防止SPAM(垃圾邮件)。比如SOHU和新浪的SMTP服务就是ESMTP命令集,用这些服务器发送邮件,就需要先通过身份验证,否则会得到如下所示的提示: SOHU的反应:
220 sina.com ESMTP 250 sina.com 553 ------------------------------------------------------- SMTP登录出错。 -------------------------------------------------------------
《XCON: SMTP Clients Receive Relaying Prohibited Error Message [Q295164]》给出了一种解释:可能是Outlook Express所在的客户端与服务器端之间有一个Cisco防火墙,而该火墙启用了SMTP inspection。 (Extension to SMTP (ESMTP) commands can also be removed by Pix firewall software.) 解决之道:不让火墙进行SMTP inspection。 第四种解释:
《XCON: Misleading NDR Sending to Remote Domain [Q262354]》说,也可能是Remote Domain已经禁止Sending Domain中继。也就是说,是对方禁止,而不是本地服务器禁止这种行为。 给出错误解决步骤比较详细的文档:《Health Monitor Is Unable to Send E-Mail via Local SMTP Server [Q280043]》中给出的检查步骤比较详细,这里就简单列出两个检查点: n Verify the Binding Order n Verify the Relay Settings for the Exchange SMTP Virtual Server 小结:这种“Unable to relay user@externaldomain.com”的错误通常属于设计意图。也就是说,为了防止Internet上的Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (UCE),Microsoft的SMTP服务,默认,是不允许一封邮件通过它中继到外面的邮件地址的! 详细情况可以参看《SMTP Service Release Notes》。 下面是其中的一段话: ------------------------------------------------------------ Restrictions on Relaying Mail Through Microsoft SMTP Service ------------------------------------------------------------ Because of the growing problem on the Internet concerning Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (UCE), Microsoft SMTP Service, by default, does not allow mail to be relayed through it to an external e-mail address. Mail addressed to any domain not configured for the SMTP site is rejected with the error "550 Unable to relay for <mail address>." To allow mail to be relayed from specific IP addresses, change the settings in the "Relay Restrictions" section of the "Directory Security" property sheet. NOTE: Changing the settings to allow unrestricted relay through your SMTP server on the Internet makes your site a prime target for UCE. UCE can consist of special offers, commentaries, or any message a sender wants to convey to as many recipients as possible across the Internet. Often, senders relay UCE through well-known, trusted servers on the Internet to make messages appear as though they originated from a trusted host, or to make it difficult to determine the origin of the messages. |