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时间:2008-07-29 13:46来源: 作者: 点击:
Gentoo is a free operating system based on either Linux or FreeBSD that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme configurability, performance and a top-notch user and developer community are all ha

Gentoo is a free operating system based on either Linux or FreeBSD that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme configurability, performance and a top-notch user and developer community are all hallmarks of the Gentoo experience.

Thanks to a technology called Portage, Gentoo can become an ideal secure server, development workstation, professional desktop, gaming system, embedded solution or something else -- whatever you need it to be. Because of its near-unlimited adaptability, we call Gentoo a metadistribution.

Of course, Gentoo is more than just the software it provides. It is a community built around a distribution which is driven by more than 300 developers and thousands of users. The distribution project provides the means for the users to enjoy Gentoo: documentation, infrastructure (mailinglists, site, forums ...), release engineering, software porting, quality assurance, security followup, hardening and more.

To advise on and help with Gentoo's global development, a 7-member council is elected on a yearly basis which decides on global issues, policies and advancements in the Gentoo project.

Portage is the heart of Gentoo, and performs many key functions. For one, Portage is the software distribution system for Gentoo. To get the latest software for Gentoo, you type one command: emerge --sync. This command tells Portage to update your local "Portage tree" over the Internet. Your local Portage tree contains a complete collection of scripts that can be used by Portage to create and install the latest Gentoo packages. Currently, we have more than 10000 packages in our Portage tree, with updates and new ones being added all the time.

Portage is also a package building and installation system. When you want to install a package, you type emerge packagename, at which point Portage automatically builds a custom version of the package to your exact specifications, optimizing it for your hardware and ensuring that the optional features in the package that you want are enabled -- and those you don't want aren't.

Portage also keeps your system up-to-date. Typing emerge -uD world -- one command -- will ensure that all the packages that you want on your system are updated automatically.

Gentoo Linux采用Portage软件包管理机制,是一种可以针对任何应用和需要而自动优化和定制的特殊的Linux发行版。Gentoo中文社区是Gentoo中文用户的集散地,我们提供给我们的用户中文化的 ebuilds(最新下载)以及更多的中文文档。


Gentoo 最初由Daniel Robbins(前Stampede Linux和FreeBSD的开发者之一)创建。由于开发者对FreeBSD的熟识,所以Gentoo拥有媲美FreeBSD的广受美誉的ports系统 ——portage。(Ports和Portage都是用于在线更新软件的系统,类似apt-get,但还是有很大不同)Gentoo的首个稳定版本发布于2002年。


Gentoo的出名是因为其高度的自定制性:因为它是一个基于源代码的(source-based)发行版。尽管安装 时可以选择预先编译好的软件包,但是大部分使用Gentoo的用户都选择自己手动编译。这也是为什么Gentoo适合比较有Linux使用经验的老手使用 的原因。但是要注意的是,由于编译软件需要消耗大量的时间,所以如果你所有的软件都自己编译,并安装KDE桌面系统等比较大的软件包,可能需要几天时间才能编译完……

软件包管理系统:Portage (SRC)


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