Mandriva develops a range of integrated products and services for private and public-sector companies. This comprehensive offer is made to help companies moving to Linux and open source software while generating significant savings and improving IT infrastructure. Pulse 2.0 administers all kinds of workstations and takes full advantage of tools making changes of all kind genuinely easier! The Mandriva Directory Server (MDS) replaces Window domain controllers. MDS provides administration for users and their rights, offers standard network services and is the reference base for users' profile. MDS easily administers email or proxy services, and manages workstations running Windows and Linux operating systems. Finally, MDS observes the industry standards and can therefore be included in any kind of information system. The Mandriva Corporate Desktop is the latest version of the Mandriva Linux workstation for professionals. Thanks to a reinforced security system and unequaled ergonomics, it can be used in more demanding situations while reducing the training needs. Through its effective interoperability with the various systems currently used in companies, the Corporate Desktop integrates easily in any IT infrastructure. Mandriva Linux的前身是欧洲最大的Linux厂商之一Mandrakesoft之产品Mandrake LinuxTemplate:Fact。Mandrake Linux早期方便的字体安装工具和默认的中文支持,为Linux普及做出了很大的贡献。但是2004年前後Mandrakesoft陷入财务危机,濒临破产。公司于2005年2月24日与拉丁美洲最大的Linux厂商Conectiva达成了收购协议,金额为170万欧元,约合223万美元,以股票形式交易,新公司Mandriva旗下品牌Mandrake Linux更名为Mandriva Linux。 特点 Mandriva以rpm作为软件管理工具,部分兼容Red Hat Linux/Fedora Core的预编译包。 Mandrake的开发完全透明化,包括“cooker”。当系统有了新的测试版本后,便可以在cooker上找到。之前Mandrake的新版本的发布速度很快,但从9.0之后便开始减缓。估计是希望能够延长版本的生命力以确保稳定和安全性。
优点:友好的操作界面,图形配置工具,庞大的社区技术支持,NTFS分区大小变更 软件包管理系统:urpmi (RPM) (责任编辑:admin) |