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  • [操作系统] Unix版本介绍之FreeBSD篇 日期:2008-08-06 16:54:59 点击:81 好评:0

    FreeBSD简介 FreeBSD 是一种先进的操作系统,它支持 x86 兼容(包括 Pentium® 和 Athlon™)、amd64 兼容(包括 Opteron™、Athlon™64 和 EM64T)、 ARM、IA-64、PC-98以及 UltraSPARC® 架构的计算机。FreeBSD 源于 BSD ──美国加州大学伯克利分...

  • [操作系统] Unix版本介绍之Solaris篇 日期:2008-08-06 16:11:52 点击:67 好评:0

    Solaris简介 Solaris 是SUN公司研发的多用户多任务的UNIX操作系统,1993年由SunOS改编而来。它被认为是UNIX操作系统的衍生版本之一。Solaris系统内核基于AT&T发布的SVR4即System V Release 4,但Solaris同时也具备了一些BSD版本UNIX的特色。目前Solaris仍旧属于私...

  • [操作系统] Unix介绍 日期:2008-08-05 20:30:17 点击:81 好评:0

            提到操作系统,一般人可能马上会想到的是微软所发展的操作系统─DOS和Windows 95/98/NT/2000或者XP,Vista等。事实上,除了微软的操作系统之外,还有一些相当不错的操作系统;例如IBM过去发展的OS/2操作系统,Macintosh计算...

  • [操作系统] Unix专题 日期:2008-08-05 18:10:49 点击:50 好评:0


  • [操作系统] Linux发行版介绍之CentOS篇 日期:2008-07-31 16:20:58 点击:66 好评:0

    What is CentOS CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American En...

  • [操作系统] Linux介绍 日期:2008-07-29 14:53:16 点击:38 好评:0

           Linux is an operating system that was initially created as a hobby by a young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Linus had an interest in Minix, a small UNIX system, and decide...

  • [操作系统] Linux发行版介绍之Knoppix篇 日期:2008-07-29 14:31:54 点击:58 好评:0

    Knoppix is a Live Linux CD based on Debian GNU/Linux This website is about Knoppix, a Free and Open Source Live Linux CD. Knoppix is a GNU/Linux distribution that boots and runs completely from cd. It includes recent linux software and desktop envir...

  • [操作系统] Linux发行版介绍之PCLinuxOS篇 日期:2008-07-29 14:17:26 点击:134 好评:2

    PCLinuxOS∞ is an Operating System, just like Windows XP and Mac OS. PCLinuxOS is also a GNU/Linux distribution, in that it based on the Linux kernel using the GNU toolset. PCLinuxOS is one of the world's up and coming providers of a userfrie...

  • [操作系统] Linux发行版介绍之MEPIS篇 日期:2008-07-29 13:54:37 点击:54 好评:-2

    Why SimplyMEPIS 7.0 Linux? SimplyMEPIS just works! It is pre-configured for simplicity and ease of use, and you will be productive in a matter of minutes, even if this is your first try with Linux SimplyMEPIS features unique hardware de...

  • [操作系统] Linux发行版介绍之Mandriva篇 日期:2008-07-29 13:46:00 点击:47 好评:0

    Mandriva develops a range of integrated products and services for private and public-sector companies. This comprehensive offer is made to help companies moving to Linux and open source software while generating significant savings and improving IT...
