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  • Imagination Technologies PowerVR Graphics Overview 日期:2013-08-01 11:50:50 点击:189 好评:0

    PowerVR图形IP由业界领先的图形加速器组成,可广泛运用于移动、消费及计算领域的应用。PowerVR灵活强大的解决方案可实现所有形式的多媒体处理,包括3D/2D/矢量图形以及包括图像处理在内的通用处理 (GP-GPU)。 PowerVR 采用独特的块状延迟渲染/着色架构,与同类技术相比...

  • Qualcomm Snapdragon Adreno Graphics Processing Units Overvie 日期:2013-08-01 11:26:47 点击:152 好评:0

    All Snapdragon processors include the integrated, custom-built Adreno GPU. The power of the Adreno GPU allows developers to bring console and PC quality 3D games to mobile devices. Qualcomms Adreno graphics solution helps put the power in your hands...
