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时间:2008-09-20 16:59来源: 作者: 点击:
Chat keys Download and list available rooms on chat server Ctrl + Shift + J Set focus to chat input field Shift + F9 Help keys Open Opera's help window F1 Search while viewing help page Ctrl + F More

Chat keys

Download and list available rooms on chat server Ctrl + Shift + J
Set focus to chat input field Shift + F9

Help keys

Open Opera's help window F1
Search while viewing help page Ctrl + F

More information

Learn more about using the keyboard.

Single-key shortcuts

Opera 9.5 disables the following single-key shortcuts, which were enabled by default in Opera 9.2 and previous. To re-enable these shortcuts, check the box marked "Enable single-key shortcuts" in Preferences > Advanced > Shortcuts.

Function Single-Key Shortcut
Switch to previous tab on tab bar 1
Switch to next tab on tab bar 2
Cycle through frames in page 3 and Shift + 3
Minimize tab 4
Restore/Maximize tab 5
Restore zoom to 100% 6
Zoom out by 100% 7
Zoom in by 100% 8
Zoom out by 10% 9
Zoom in by 10% 0
Cycle through links in page A and Q
Cycle through headers in page S and W
Cycle through elements in page D and E
Toggle between author mode and user mode Shift + G
Address bar history drop-down H
Load and display all images I
Toggle loading of images Shift + I
Speak selected text V
Forward X
Fast forward Shift + X
Back Z
Rewind Shift + Z

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