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时间:2008-09-20 16:59来源: 作者: 点击:
Spatial navigation keys Navigate between links and form elements Shift + Tip: The combination of the Shift key and arrow keys is the fastest way of moving around a Web page when wanting to locate link

Spatial navigation keys

Navigate between links and form elements Shift + ← ↑ → ↓

Tip: The combination of the Shift key and arrow keys is the fastest way of moving around a Web page when wanting to locate links and Web form elements.

Form keys

Log in/auto-fill form using the Wand Ctrl + Enter
Go to next element in form Tab
Go to previous element in form Shift + Tab
Select form element
  • Space
  • Enter

Access keys

These shortcuts are unique to pages that have access keys enabled.

Toggle HTML access keys Shift + Esc
Enter HTML access keys A-Z and 0-9

Page keys: basics

Browse in new tab Ctrl + T
Close active tab
  • Ctrl + W
  • Ctrl + F4
Undo closing of tab Ctrl + Shift + T

Application windows

Browse in new application window Ctrl + N
Close application window
  • Ctrl + Shift + W
  • Alt + F4

Tab keys: switching

Cycle to next tab (defaults to recently used order) Ctrl + Tab
Cycle to previous tab (defaults to recently used order) Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Switch to previous tab on tab bar Ctrl + Shift + F6
Switch to next tab on tab bar Ctrl + F6

Panel keys: activation

Toggle last active panel with panel selector F4
Toggle last active panel Shift + F4
Activate panels for keyboard navigation F7
Expand all folders/views in panel Shift + →
Collapse all folders/views in panel Shift + ←
Open "Search" panel Ctrl + Shift + 1
Open "Bookmarks" panel
  • Ctrl + Shift + 2
  • Ctrl + B
Open "Mail" panel Ctrl + Shift + 3
Open "Contacts" panel Ctrl + Shift + 4
Open "Chat" panel Ctrl + Shift + 5
Open "Notes" panel Ctrl + Shift + 6
Open "Transfers" panel Ctrl + Shift + 7
Open "History" panel
  • Ctrl + Shift + 8
  • Ctrl + H
Open "Links" panel Ctrl + Shift + 9
Open "Windows" panel Ctrl + Shift + 0


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