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时间:2008-07-30 12:58来源: 作者: 点击:
微软认证操作系统技术支持工程师 英文全称为Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician,简称MCDST     微软认证操作系统技术支持工程师(MCDST) 认证可证明您 具有成功排解问题、执行 Windows 操作系统之桌面环境的能力,协助开创您的 IT 事业

英文全称为Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician,简称MCDST 
 微软认证操作系统技术支持工程师(MCDST) 认证可证明您 具有成功排解问题、执行 Windows 操作系统之桌面环境的能力,协助开创您的 IT 事业。

使用Windows Vista的技术人员 需要获得“新一代微软认证”中微软认证技术工程师(MCTS)认证和微软认证IT专家 (MCITP)认证。它们为IT专家提供了一个更清楚明了的证书架构,让IT专家充分展现技术技巧以及特定工作角色所需的技能。 


The Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) credential proves that you have the skills to successfully support end-users and to successfully troubleshoot desktop environments that are running the Microsoft Windows operating system.

MCDST candidates are required to pass two core exams. Elective exams are not required. The following table lists Official Microsoft Learning Products courses and Microsoft Press books that are designed to help you prepare for these exams. See individual exam preparation guides for exam availability.

The MCDST credential will not retire with the release of Windows Vista certifications; it will continue to be supported by Microsoft and valued by employers and decision makers who use Microsoft Windows XP.

Core exams (two exams required)(核心考试,需要通过两门)

Core exams (two exams required) Classroom training Microsoft E-Learning Microsoft Press books

Exam 70-271: Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System

Course 2261: Supporting Users Running Microsoft Windows XP Desktop Operating Systems (three days)

Course 2261: Supporting Users Running the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System (12 hours)*

MCDST Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-271): Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System, Second Edition

Exam 70-272: Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System

Course 2262: Supporting Users Running Applications on Microsoft Windows XP (two days)

Course 2262: Supporting Users Running Applications on the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System (12 hours)*

MCDST Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-272): Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on Microsoft Windows XP, Second Edition

There are no core exams related to Clinic 2263 currently available.

There are no classroom training courses currently available.

Clinic 2263: Exam Preparation for the MCDST Certification (six hours)*

There are no Microsoft Press books currently available.

*E-Learning course tips:

Prepare for Exam 70-271 (operating system exam) first. Use Course 2261, Course 2262, and the first part of Clinic 2263 to help with this. Your main focus will be on Course 2261.

Prepare for Exam 70-272 (Applications support) second. Your knowledge of the operating system will help with the application exam. Use 2261, 2262, and the second part of 2263 to help with this. Your main focus will be on 2262.

Clinic 2263 is appropriate for individuals who are already working with Windows XP.


微软认证操作系统技术支持工程师(MCDST)可拥有下列好处,它们全都可通过 「MCP 会员网站」来获得:

  • 业界认可,证明您了解并精通微软的产品及技术。
  • 直接通过 「MCP 会员网站」获得微软的技术和产品信息。
  • 对于选定公司的产品与服务,可独享优惠折扣。某些产品只提供给 MCSE+I、MCSE、MCDBA 和 MCSD。您可访问「MCP 会员网站」来获得这些好处。
  • MCDST 证书、副本、名片卡和别针,可向同事或客户证明您是微软认证专家(MCP)。通过认证之后,标志和副本的电子文件可从「MCP 会员网站」中下载。
  • 受邀参加微软会议、技术训练研讨会和特殊活动。
  • 免费获得 Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online,这是一份职业生涯和专业的开发杂志。(所有 MCP 都可获得此在线杂志的安全性增强内容。有些 MCP 也有资格免费收到此杂志的书面版本;是否有资格收到由杂志决定。)
  • 以特惠价格订阅 Windows & .NET 杂志,此顶尖资料提供了独立的 how-to 信息,让 IT 专家工作于 Microsoft Windows® 平台上。微软认证操作系统技术支持工程师(MCDST) 可享有五折的零售订阅价。如需细节,请访问「MCP 会员网站」。
  • (责任编辑:admin)

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