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时间:2008-07-30 12:58来源: 作者: 点击:
从MCDST认证升级至 MCTS或MCITP认证 MCDST to MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician Microsoft has introduced a new structure of certifications to better reflect both technology and job-role skill


MCDST to MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician
Microsoft has introduced a new structure of certifications to better reflect both technology and job-role skills. Aligned with the release of Windows Vista, these new IT professional certifications are available to help you demonstrate your experience and skill set in short, specific certification paths:

• Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Vista, Configuration
• Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Consumer Support Technician
• MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician

Although progressive organizations will adopt Windows Vista immediately, Windows XP will continue to be a driving force in IT for years to come. If you have taken only exam 70-271 or 70-272, we recommend that you complete your Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) certification to validate your skills on Windows XP and position yourself to take advantage of a one-exam upgrade path to Windows Vista certifications—and a limited-time 40 percent savings on the exam. With both MCDST and MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician certifications, you can offer an employer, client, or project team expertise on any platform.

 Find training materials to help you complete your MCDST.
The MCDST credential will continue to be supported by Microsoft and valued by employers and decision-makers who are using Microsoft Windows XP. To earn your MCDST, you must pass two core exams: 70-271 and 70-272. E-learning courses, classroom training, and reference books are available to help you prepare. 

 View a Live Meeting and get the details on Windows Vista certifications.
In May 2007, Microsoft Learning hosted a Windows Vista Live Meeting to review Windows Vista exams and certifications, discuss the MCDST upgrade path and offer, provide pointers to current and planned training materials, and answer questions from the certification planners.

 Take your upgrade exam.
If you are an MCDST, you only need to take one exam (70-621) to earn the MCTS and MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician certifications for Windows Vista.

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