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时间:2008-07-30 12:55来源: 作者: 点击:
微软认证架构师计划英文全称Microsoft Certified Architect Programs,简称MCAP 微软认证架构师 (MCA) 是IT 架构领域的顶级专家。MCA 在提供解决方案上,已有经过证明的经验,并且可以有效地与商务、架构和技术的专家沟通。这些专家具有三年或更久的IT 架构经验;具备

微软认证架构师计划英文全称Microsoft Certified Architect Programs,简称MCAP
微软认证架构师 (MCA) 是IT 架构领域的顶级专家。MCA 在提供解决方案上,已有经过证明的经验,并且可以有效地与商务、架构和技术的专家沟通。这些专家具有三年或更久的IT 架构经验;具备精湛的技术与管理技能;并且构成了一个紧密、支持性的社群。 

Microsoft Certified Architect Programs
The Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA) programs identify top industry experts in IT architecture. Microsoft Certified Architects have proven experience with delivering solutions and can communicate effectively with business, architecture, and technology professionals. These professionals have three or more years of advanced IT architecture experience, possess strong technical and leadership skills, and form a tight-knit, supportive community. Candidates are required to pass a rigorous Review Board interview conducted by a panel of experts. The MCA credential was built by and for industry architects.

The Microsoft Certified Architect program consists of two sets of certifications, each containing multiple track offerings:

MCA programs for technology-based architecture skills (training and certification)


For architects who specialize in using Microsoft technology to provide expert solutions, Microsoft offers MCA training and certification in messaging (Microsoft Exchange Server) and database (Microsoft SQL Server focusing on OLTP (online transaction processing)) disciplines.

To become a Microsoft Certified Technology Architect (referred to internally as "Ranger"), you must participate in a four-week in-depth training program, successfully complete weekly written and lab-based exams, and pass a rigorous Review Board interview conducted by Microsoft experts and MCAs.


MCA programs for broad architecture skills (certification only)


For those industry experts who possess broad architecture skills that use a variety of Microsoft and non-Microsoft technologies to deliver customer solutions, Microsoft offers certifications recognizing infrastructure and solutions excellence. To earn certification, you must pass a rigorous Review Board interview conducted by a panel of Microsoft experts and MCAs.



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