ZoneAlarm PRO简介
ZoneAlarm是一款由Check Point出品的优秀的个人综合防火墙,它功能强大,易于操作,提供了防火墙功能,可以防止木马在你的电脑中偷偷作乱,具备邮件监视、网页过滤、弹出广告屏蔽功能,同时还具有强大的网关管理功能,能够让高级用户制定专家级的规则,自由控制上网资源。 与其他个人防火墙软件相比,ZoneAlarm占用资源少,能保护个人隐私安全,防范木马把你的银行帐号、游戏密码向外发送。此外,它对应用程序的控制也更安全,即使策略允许通过,它也要检查应用程序访问设置;其专家级的规则制定功能也更加强大,可以控制到MAC级别,能够定义组、时间控制和控制到数据链路层。
ZoneAlarm PRO特点和功能
#1 Firewall 防火墙
Proactively protects against inbound, outbound, and program attacks while making you invisible to hackers.
Inbound & Outbound – monitors and blocks threat traffic in either direction. 入站出站数据监控和过滤 Full Stealth Mode – makes you invisible to hackers. 隐形模式 Kill Controls – instantly disable malicious programs . 立刻杀灭危害程序 Passes Independent Leak Tests* - to verify complete blocking, see test results. 漏洞检测保护
Anti-Spyware 反间谍
Award-winning anti-spyware automatically prevents, blocks, and removes spyware.
Spy Site Blocking – prevents accidental visits and malicious communication with spyware sites. 间谍站点过滤 Kernel-Level Spyware Prevention – protects at the operating system level. 核心级间谍软件防护 Hourly Signature Updates , expanded coverage, and faster detection to find and remove aggressive viruses. 每小时的升级保护 Inbound and Outbound MailSafe - quarantines suspicious attachments, stops harmful messages before viruses transmit to your computer. 收发邮件安全 Expanded coverage - catches certain kinds of spyware like adware that others ignore. 扩展区域
Total ID Theft Protection身份窃取保护
Uniquely combines offline ID protection services with online PC-based technologies to stop thieves from stealing your identity.
PC-Based ID Protection – utilizes a combination of anti-spyware and web browser security to block, remove, and disable programs designed to steal your identity. PC为基础的ID保护 Daily Credit Monitoring – monitors your credit reports daily with email alerts and reports, and notifies you if there have been changes, which is often an indication of identity theft ( US only). 日常信贷监控 Fraud Alerts & Monthly Reports - provided to you. 欺骗警示和月度报告 Victim Recovery Service – provides free telephone counseling to guide ID theft victims through resolution and recovery ( US only) 受害恢复服务
Root & Boot Protection 底层启动保护
Keeps YOU in Control of your computer. Guards your operating system from rootkits and other attacks while also providing full protection during
Operating System Firewall - (OSFirewall™) constant protection from even the most sophisticated viruses and spyware, rootkits, and kernel-level threats. 操作系统防火墙 O-Hour Rootkit Protection - O-Hour Rootkit Protection 隐藏进程保护 Program Control – restricts programs from malicious activities, blocking attacks that by-pass other defenses. 程序控制 Early Boot Protection – protects your operating system during start-up. 简便的启动保护
(责任编辑:admin) |