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Ipswitch IMail Server版本对比(2)

时间:2008-12-28 12:42来源: 作者: 点击:
Anti-virus for IMail Server IMail protects your business and your users from email borne threats by offering anti-virus technology from two leading security vendors which can be fully integrated into

Anti-virus for IMail Server

IMail protects your business and your users from email borne threats by offering anti-virus technology from two leading security vendors which can be fully integrated into your choice of IMail Server products. Your choices for anti-virus are:

Standard anti-virus protection from BitDefender.
Premium anti-virus protection from Symantec.

Layers of protection are always better

When you include anti-virus with your IMail Server, IMail Plus or IMail Premium you are protecting all of your end-users, no matter what machine they use to access their email. Your end-users may not have up-to-date AV protection on their desktops, but by adding AV to your IMail you can protect them from email born viruses.

Both of our anti-virus choices for IMail will also protect your outbound email from viruses. This not only protects you, but all of the people that you do business with. By eliminating viruses before they leave your server, you prevent unnecessary problems such as blacklisting.

Archiving Solutions for IMail Server
Email is the primary communication system and file transport mechanism used in organizations of all sizes. Email systems generate enormous amounts of content that must be preserved. Because a growing proportion of most organizations’ business records are stored in email, email messages are increasingly subject to discovery orders during legal proceedings. To solve this problem, messaging archival systems are ideally suited to preserving content in support of all of regulatory compliance and storage maintenance requirements.

A properly configured messaging archiving system can alleviate the significant burden of managing growth in email storage and retrieval. We offer two archival solutions: MailArchiva and Sonian Hosted Archival Systems. MailArchiva is an installed email archiving system for companies of all sizes. It works in conjunction with IMail Server to archive all incoming, outgoing and internal emails. Sonian provides an affordable, scalable, reliable and secure hosted email archiving service for organizations of all sizes.



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