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时间:2008-11-20 13:42来源: 作者: 点击:
Small and Medium Sized Businesses F-Secure Small and Medium Sized Businesses Solutions Desktops Laptops F-Secure's highly awarded solutions for desktops and laptops offer protection against viruses, h

Small and Medium Sized Businesses

F-Secure  Small and Medium Sized Businesses Solutions

desktop solution icon 65x33

Desktops & Laptops
F-Secure's highly awarded solutions for desktops and laptops offer protection against viruses, hackers, spyware and network worms with centralized management.

fileserver solution icon 65x37

File Services
F-Secure solutions for file services ensures that users who connect with infected machines to the corporate file services do not spread viruses to others on the network.

email solution icon 65x40

E-mail & Internet Gateways
Email servers and Internet gateways are the first line of defence to control information entering and leaving the enterprise.

smartphone solution icon 65x30

Modern mobile phones are small computers and face the same threats as workstations and laptops.


F-Secure solutions for small businesses

Viruses, worms & trojans Network worms& hackers Spam & Phishing Spyware & adware Windows Linux
Security Suites F-Secure Anti-Virus Small Business Suite x x - x x -

F-Secure Anti-Virus Corporate Suite x x - x x x
Desktops & laptops F-Secure Client Security x x - x
(Windows only)
x x

F-Secure Anti-Virus for Workstations x - - - x -
File Services F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows Servers x - - - x -

F-Secure Anti-Virus for Citrix Servers x - - - x -

F-Secure Linux Server Security x x - - - x
E-mail & Internet gateways F-Secure Messaging Security Gateway x - x - - -

F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper x - Optional - x x

F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange x - Optional - x -
Smartphones F-Secure Mobile Anti-Virus for Businesses x x - - - -





















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