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时间:2009-02-13 14:56来源: 作者: 点击:
Q: Does Adobe offer certification? A: Yes, Adobe offers two levels of certification: Adobe Certified Associate for validating entry-level skills (new) and Adobe Certified Expert/Professional for validating expert-level skills. Q: What types of certif
Q: Does Adobe offer certification?
A: Yes, Adobe offers two levels of certification: Adobe Certified Associate for validating entry-level skills (new) and Adobe Certified
Expert/Professional for validating expert-level skills.
Q: What types of certification are available?
A: Adobe Certified Associate validates entry-level skills while Adobe Certified Expert and Adobe Certified Professional validate expertlevel
skills. Learn more about Adobe’s expert-level programs:www.adobe.com/support/certification/
Q: Why create this new line of Adobe certifications?
A: The workplace demand for digital media skills—creating, managing,integrating, and communicating information by using Adobe’s
dynamic multimedia, video, graphic, web, or design software—is on the rise. This new certification program will help educators
effectively teach and validate digital communications skills while providing students with credentials that demonstrate real-world
prowess to prospective employers.
Q: What is an Adobe Certified Associate?
A: An Adobe Certified Associate has earned a certification that validates entry-level skills needed to plan, design, build, and maintain effective
communications by using different forms of digital media.
Q: What different types of Adobe Certified Associate can I earn?
A: In Spring 2007, Adobe will offer two areas in which to gain certification for entry-level skills: Web Communication using
Dreamweaver 8 and Rich Media Communication using Flash 8. By Fall 2007, Adobe will offer three new certifications: Web
Communication using Dreamweaver CS3, Rich Media Communication using Flash CS3, and Visual Communication using
Photoshop CS3 Extended.
Q: Will there be certification available on communicating with other Adobe products?
A: The first three exams available will focus on Web, Visual Design, and Rich Media. After these exams have launched we will evaluate other
areas that need to be addressed such as Print Communication, Video Communication, and others.
Q: How is an Adobe certification earned?
A: Each new Adobe certification exam will correspond to a particular Adobe application used for digital communication, and will
represent a single certification. Anyone who passes a Web Communication certification exam in Dreamweaver® 8, for example,
will receive an official certificate representing entry-level communication skills with Dreamweaver 8.
Q: Do certifications need to be taken in any order?
A: No, the associate certification exams do not need to be taken in any order. Each exam represents individual domains of communication.
As you progress in more advanced skills, you might choose to take an ACE exam after successfully achieving the associate-level.
Q: Do associate-level certifications cover more than one product?
A: No, the associate certification exams focus on communication using a single digital media tool.
Q: What is the release date for the new program?
A: Certiport’s new Adobe certification program will launch in Spring 2007. This English-language release will feature certification exams
for Dreamweaver® 8 and Flash® 8. By Fall, 2007, another series of examinations will be ready, focused on Dreamweaver CS3, Flash CS3,
and Photoshop CS3 Extended.
Q: What type of exams are the Adobe Certified Associate exams?
A: The first generation of certification exams will help validate a test candidate’s ability to create, manage, integrate and communicate
information using Adobe’s dynamic multi-media, video, graphic, and web software through linear testing.
Q: How will educational institutions and students access this new program?
A: Thousands of academic institutions around the world are currently set up to administer Certiport certification exams. With the launch of
the new Adobe certification program, educators and students can take the exams at one of these centers or become a center themselves.
Q: What are the requirements if institutions want to become a testing center?
A: If schools or districts want to run exams onsite, they can easily become a testing center and run the exams seamlessly in class.
Institutions can sign up to be centers on the Certiport site:www.certiport.com. On the website, institutions designate an administrator who will manage getting the exams and a proctor who will be present to moderate when candidates are taking the exam.Once online sign-up is complete, the institution will receive a welcome information packet from Certiport.
Q: How do I know what is on the Adobe Certified Associate exams?
A: Learning objectives for Web Communication using Dreamweaver 8 and Rich Media Communication using Flash 8 are listed on Adobe’s
website: www.adobe.com/resources/education/topics.html. The learning objectives for future certification exams will become available as they are developed.
Q: What materials are available to offer courses preparing students to be Adobe Certified Associates?
A: Adobe has built course materials focused on career areas in Web Design, Visual and Print Design, and Video Design. These course
materials correlate directly to specific Adobe Certified Associate certification objectives. You can access the Digital Design:Foundations of Web Design, our web design curriculum onDreamweaver 8 and Flash 8 at our website:www.adobe.com/education/curriculum.html. As the new curriculum on Visual and Print Design as well as Video Design become available,they will appear on this site.
Q: What are the benefits of becoming certified?
A: By certifying one’s skills, individuals can validate their technical abilities and demonstrate proficiency. Adobe’s associate-level
certifications are based on research about digital communications skills required by industry, government, and education. The
objectives reflect the foundation skills needed to be successful communicators in today’s digital world.In educational settings, industry-recognized certification programs ensure students and teachers are acquiring the knowledge and skills valued in today’s workplace. For institutions seeking to keep curriculum vitalized and relevant, certification plays a critical role in bridging classroom learning to real-world application.
Q: How do I register for an Adobe Associate Certification exam?
A: Contact Certiport to register and find a testing center:www.certiport.com
Q: What is the fee for the Adobe Associate Certification exam?
A: Each exam is $65US. Discounts are available when institutions purchase in larger quantities.
Q: What can I expect from Adobe if I pass the Adobe Certified Associate exam?
A: As soon as you pass the exam, your name and exam results are given to us by Certiport, our worldwide test administrators. Your exam
data is then entered into our database. Within two weeks of passing a certification exam, you will receive an official certificate in the mail
with an Adobe Certified Associate logo that highlights your accomplishment. (责任编辑:admin)
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