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时间:2008-10-26 10:37来源: 作者: 点击:
FTP服务器软件介绍 vsftpd(Very Secure FTP daemon) vsftpd is a GPL licensed FTP server for UNIX systems, including Linux. It is secure and extremely fast. It is stable. Don't take my word for


vsftpd  (Very Secure FTP daemon)

vsftpd is a GPL licensed FTP server for UNIX systems, including Linux. It is secure and extremely fast. It is stable. Don't take my word for it, though. Below, we will see evidence supporting all three assertions. We will also see a list of a few important sites which are happily using vsftpd. This demonstrates vsftpd is a mature and trusted solution.


  • Virtual IP configurations
  • Virtual users
  • Standalone or inetd operation
  • Powerful per-user configurability
  • Bandwidth throttling
  • Per-source-IP configurability
  • Per-source-IP limits
  • IPv6
  • Encryption support through SSL integration


    1、体积小,可定制强,效率高,安全, 高速,稳定的虚拟FTP Server
    2、可设定多个基于IP的虚拟FTP Server
    4、匿名FTP的根目录不需要任何特殊的目录结构, 系统程序或者其他系统文件
    5、不执行任何外部程序, 减少了安全隐患
    6、支持虚拟用户, 且支持每个虚拟用户具有独立的配置



    最新版本:Jul 2008 - vsftpd-2.0.7


    ProFTPD grew out of the desire to have a secure and configurable FTP server, and out of a significant admiration of the Apache web server.

    When the Project began, the most commonly used server was wu-ftpd. While wu-ftpd provides excellent performance and is generally a good product, it lacks numerous features found in newer Win32 FTP servers and has a poor security history. Many people, including the developers who work on ProFTPD, had spent a great deal of time fixing bugs and hacking features into wu-ftpd. Unfortunately, it quickly became clear that a complete redesign was necessary in order to implement the configurability and features desired.

    In addition to wu-ftpd, there are a few of other FTP servers available which are designed to be light-weight and secure at the expense of configurability. For example, Troll FTP is an excellent FTP daemon which is considerably more secure and less resource-intensive than wu-ftpd. Unfortunately, while it is quite suitable for basic FTP services, it does not offer the feature set required for more sophisticated FTP sites.

    ProFTPD is not a hack based on any other server, it's an independent source tree from the ground up.


    • Single main configuration file, with directives and directive groups which are intuitive to any administrator who has ever used the Apache web server.
    • Per directory ".ftpaccess" configuration similar to Apache's ".htaccess".
    • Easy to configure multiple virtual FTP servers and anonymous FTP services.
    • Designed to run either as a stand-alone server or from inetd/xinetd, depending on system load.
    • Anonymous FTP root directories do not require any specific directory structure, system binaries or other system files.
    • No SITE EXEC command. In modern Internet environments, such commands are a security nightmare. ProFTPD does not execute any external programs at any time. The source is available (and must always be available) for administrators to audit.
    • Hidden directories and files, based on Unix-style permissions or user/group ownership.
    • Runs as a configurable non-privileged user in stand-alone mode in order to decrease chances of attacks which might exploit its "root" abilities. Note: This feature is dependent on the capabilities of the host Unix system.
    • Logging and utmp/wtmp support. Logging is compatible with the wu-ftpd standard, with extended logging available.
    • Shadow password suite support, including support for expired accounts.
    • Modular design, allowing server to be extended easily with modules. Modules have been written for SQL databases, LDAP servers, SSL/TLS encryption, RADIUS support, etc.
    • IPv6 support.




    最新版本:17/Sep/2008  1.3.2rc2


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