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CCIE Routing and Switching(4)

时间:2008-07-26 21:40来源: 作者: 点击:
Schedule and Pay for Lab Exam Schedule a Lab Exam Online Once you have passed the CCIE written exam, you are eligible to schedule your CCIE lab exam. Passing scores on written exams are automatically

Schedule and Pay for Lab Exam

Schedule a Lab Exam Online
Once you have passed the CCIE written exam, you are eligible to schedule your CCIE lab exam. Passing scores on written exams are automatically downloaded from testing vendors, but may not appear immediately. We suggest you wait ten days after your written exam before attempting to schedule the lab.

You will need the following to schedule your lab exam:

Valid Cisco user account

Identification number you used to register for your written exam (in the U.S. and Canada the ID number is generally your Social Security or Social Insurance number. In other regions, the testing vendor assigns the number.)

Date of your passing written exam

Passing score on written exam

Pay for a Lab Exam Online
Full payment for lab exams must be made 28 days before the exam date to hold your reservation. Exams for which payment is not received by the payment due date will be automatically dropped from the lab exam schedule. You can verify the payment due date on an exam you have scheduled by logging in and viewing your Certification Status.

Please Note:
Only one email notice is sent as a payment reminder

If your exam is dropped due to non-payment, you will need to reschedule your lab exam date.

You may book an exam for a date less than 28 days away, if you complete payment on the day you book the exam.

Credit card payments will be processed on the payment due date, exactly 28 days prior to the scheduled lab date, as will invoices for all payment types. No invoices will be generated before the lab exam due date.


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